Is Relapse Part of Recovery? | Gateway Foundation (2024)

Anyone who has firsthand experience with addiction — either from going through it themselves or seeing a loved one suffer with it — knows that recovery is almost never a straight path from rehab to treatment completion to full-time sobriety. The realities of addiction recovery are far more complicated and require sensitivity to the possibility of relapse.

However, claiming that relapse is a natural part of the recovery process suggests recovery and relapse go hand in hand, which is not true. Excusing regular relapses can do much more harm than good. So how do you deal with relapse during recovery?

If you or a loved one is wondering what to do after a relapse, this article will outline how to overcome a past mistake and move forward with recovery. We’ll give a clearer definition of what relapse is, why it happens so frequently, what it means and what to do when you relapse.

  • What Is a Relapse in Recovery From Addiction?
  • Why Do People Relapse?
  • Is Relapse a Normal Part of Recovery?
  • Does a Relapse Mean You Have Failed?
  • What Should You Do After a Relapse?
  • How Can You Learn From a Relapse?
  • Contact the Gateway Foundation for Relapse Prevention

What Is a Relapse in Recovery From Addiction?

A relapse occurs when a person begins using a substance again after a period of abstinence from that substance. Although relapse can be extremely discouraging and leave an individual feeling hopeless that they’ll ever be able to stay sober, it’s actually a common struggle for those recovering. With 40% to 60% of those with a substance use disorder who receive treatment relapsing within the first year, some people even refer to relapse as a natural part of recovery.

It’s important to realize relapse is more of a process as opposed to a mere lapse in judgment. While a lapse can be a single event — such as a poor decision of going back to old people, places and things or having a bad day — a relapse occurs when the process of returning to those things is recurring and starts becoming a habit again. Recognizing that a relapse stems from a pattern of behavior and is not just something people fall into is essential to breaking the cycle.

Having a firmer grasp on the definition of relapse gives individuals the chance to redirect their attitude and actions effectivelyafter a lapse. Deciding to learn from a lapse and asking for help rather than falling back into old routines will prevent future incidents and keep individuals on the road to recovery.

Why Do People Relapse?

Relapse is not quite as simple as not having enough willpower. Addiction is physiologically difficult to overcome because, over time, it overwhelms the brain’s control circuit by dulling its sensitivity to rewards like dopamine — all while increasing its expectation for more rewards. Addiction has such a big impact on how the brain works that many organizations dedicated to studying drug use categorize it as a brain disease.

Most addictive substances spur a release of dopamine within the brain’s reward centers, leading to a feeling of significant pleasure. This feeling is known as a “high” because it is more intense than the normal amount of pleasure experienced after natural reward-inducing activities like exercising, eating or receiving a hug. This immense euphoria is what pushes someone with substance use disorder to keep using more and more to get that sensation back.

Is Relapse Part of Recovery? | Gateway Foundation (1)

Although the feeling of a high is strong, it is fleeting. Regular use of a substance usually leads to a decrease in response from dopamine receptors, a process known as downregulation. This process occurs with consistently elevated substance use and results in a lower production of dopamine even in response to healthy, natural rewards.

Because of this diminished amount of dopamine, an individual may seek more of a substance or a more intense form of it in hopes of achieving a high again. Without the substance they’re reliant on, the individual might experience extreme dissatisfaction with life. The dopamine-related changes in a regular substance user’s brain have also been associated withlowered activity levels in the prefrontal cortex, which often leads to an increase in impulsivity.

In addition to these physiological challenges, those recovering must navigate psychological and social changes. During treatment, most are in a protective, substance-free environment focused solely on recovery, which can make transitioning back into their usual environment difficult. This issue is why finding a program that offers continual support and relapse prevention services is crucial.

Once out of treatment, an individual will also have to find ways to avoid old triggers, such as socializing with substance-using friends. They will need to find healthier environments to hang out in that won’t tempt them to use again. They may also need to develop different coping mechanisms for dealing with things like past trauma or mental health struggles that would have made them turn to their chosen substance in the past.

So while a relapse may appear to be some sort of moral failure to an outsider, there is much more to it than meets the eye. Understanding the complexity of addiction makes it easier to see why recovery typically isn’t a constantly progressive process. The chronic nature of substance use disorder makes relapse not only possible but more likely, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Is Relapse a Normal Part of Recovery?

Although the rate of relapse among those within their first year of recovery is high, it’s not that surprising given the many factors that go into remaining abstinent. A person will likely encounter some setbacks on their journey to sobriety, but it’s necessary to keep the separate definitions of relapse and lapse in mind. Momentary lapses in judgment are normal, but returning to an old lifestyle has no place in true recovery.

Saying “relapse is part of recovery” is actually not logical because it implies that using drugs is a part of not using drugs, which does not make any sense. Often, the phrase is used to comfort someone who has just suffered a small lapse, but it can become a harmful mantra that normalizes returning to former patterns. Although it may seem like a harmless phrase, it gives a false impression of what recovery should look like and provides an excuse for re-adopting prior habits instead of developing new, healthy ones.

Is Relapse Part of Recovery? | Gateway Foundation (2)

True recovery is a complete lifestyle change, not simply giving up substance use. This means recovery involves confronting the things that used to drive someone to use and handling them differently. It’s not helpful to say that substance use is a part of this process because that idea can create a dangerous cycle of excusing or even enabling substance use during recovery.

Ultimately, the goal for everyone in recovery is the same — to achieve lasting sobriety through abstaining from drugs and alcohol. While the pathto sobriety varies,and it’s important to recognize everyone has different needs, the most effective way to remain sober for an extended period is to log more time being sober.

Research has shown that only one in three people who have been abstinent for less than a year will stay sober indefinitely. However, after a full year of sobriety, the number of former users who remain consistently sober jumps to 50%. Further, only 15% of people relapse after five yearsof abstinence.

Those recovering from substance use disorder shouldn’t live in fear of relapse statistics like these, but they should heed them as a warning of how easy it can be to relapse. Relapse is a dangerous trap to get caught in, but approaching it with an honest desire to stay sober — plus serious effort to do so — will make sobriety more achievable.

Does a Relapse Mean You Have Failed?

Compare your commitment to recovery to a resolution to go to the gym more often or give up a certain social media platform. Think about how challenging it can be to get up early to work out each day or resist the urge to scroll through friends’ posts. Would skipping a day at the gym or spending a few minutes on a specific app mean you’ve totally failed? Of course not.

Substance use recovery similarly involves significant lifestyle and behavior changes, which usually includes some slip-ups. In the same way that missing a workout doesn’t have long-lasting detrimental effects as you return to your training schedule the next day, lapses in substance use recovery don’t have to be severely damaging either. Just like skipping the gym one day doesn’t make you a failure, neither does a moment of weakness during substance use recovery. Giving up on seeking help and returning to active addiction is what significantly derails recovery.

Considering how common relapse is, it’s critical to address a lapse correctly. Although relapse shouldn’t be touted as part of recovery, encouraging someone to forgive themselves fully and quickly after a small setback is crucial to helping them continue their recovery process. Remember that a relapse involves a return to harmful attitudes and behaviors, so fostering a mindset focused on sobriety is key.

Keep in mind that one minor setback does not negate all the progress made up until that point. Immediately returning to the recovery plan after a momentary mistake can affirm someone’s commitment to sobriety. An individual’s reaction can demonstrate their conviction, perseverance and dedication to change.

What Should You Do After a Relapse?

Is Relapse Part of Recovery? | Gateway Foundation (3)

The first thing to do after experiencing a lapse is to remind yourself you’re not a failure. Doing so will help you avoid the“abstinence violation effect,”which refers to the harsh self-degradation after a momentary mistake that can turn a one-time slip-up into a full relapse. If you’ve had a lapse, be careful not to berate yourself or fill your thoughts with the idea that you don’t deserve recovery and will never attain long-lasting sobriety.

Relapses should be handled with gentleness and understanding while remembering that they are extremely dangerous. For those whose systems have adjusted to being substance-free, a sudden relapse intousing high doses of drugs or alcohol again could be life-threatening. Recognize that relapse is common, and don’t let it undermine your recovery progress.

Instead, get back on track by seeking help. For both a lapse and relapse, trying to ignore it or cover it up is the worst response. Opening up to friends and family and asking for help will allow you to confront the lapse or relapse and deal with it, rather than getting stuck in a cycle of using. Once you have the support you need, it will be easier to make lifestyle changes and go back to treatment if necessary.

Whenever someone reaches out for help after having a lapse, they should be encouraged and praised for having the courage to seek assistance and maintain their progress instead of sinking deeper. Making the effort to get help demonstrates a deep desire to recover more fully by understanding what triggered the lapse.Because recovery is a learning process, the mistakes made during a lapse can help people discover what behaviors, emotions or environments they need to be more aware of to keep themselves on the road to recovery.

How Can You Learn From a Relapse?

Recalling that lapse is a single event, there are ways you can learn from it to prevent it from growing into a relapse. You can turn a lapse into a positive event if it’s addressed productively. If a lapse is used as an opportunity to dig into the root issue, learn and grow, it can become a greater investment in an individual’s recovery.

Looking into what led to a lapse or relapse can reveal what behaviors or attitudes still need to change to achieve long-term abstinence. Identifying personal habits and creating new ones is a great way to stay on a steady recovery path. Along with forming new habits, learning more about what triggers an individual to use and how to avoid those things is valuable information in combating addiction.

Here are five lessons often learned through a lapse:

  1. Moderate substance use can be dangerous, and having a “just one” mindset is toxic.
  2. Certain people or places can no longer be interacted with or visited if long-term sobriety is going to happen.
  3. A plan needs to be set in place for how to get out of triggering situations, such as forming a list of people to call for help.
  4. There may be some underlying mental health issues that still need to be addressed for the sake of sobriety.
  5. Depending on how severe the lapse was, a return to treatment may be necessary.

With over 50 years of addiction treatment in the Chicago area, the Gateway Foundation has the experience and therapy methods necessary to help you avoid a relapse.Ourlocations offer a wide range of care levels and treatment programs designed to ease the transition back to regular life and prevent relapse.

Alumni of Gateway Foundation treatment programs have a lower risk of relapse because we stick with them for life, offering continuous support. Our alumni network provides a community of caring individuals focused on sobriety to help people stay connected with supportive figures after completing treatment.

For more information about relapse prevention or our addiction treatment programs,contact the Gateway Foundation today.

Is Relapse Part of Recovery? | Gateway Foundation (2024)


Is relapse a stage of recovery? ›

Based on scientific research, addiction experts view relapse as one of the 6 stages of recovery. This model of recovery is called the Stages of Change Model which includes pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation/determination, action/willpower, maintenance, and relapse.

Is relapse not in recovery? ›

The realities of addiction recovery are far more complicated and require sensitivity to the possibility of relapse. However, claiming that relapse is a natural part of the recovery process suggests recovery and relapse go hand in hand, which is not true. Excusing regular relapses can do much more harm than good.

What is considered a relapse in AA? ›

A relapse happens when a person stops maintaining their goal of reducing or avoiding use of alcohol or other drugs and returns to their previous levels of use. 3,4. This is different to a lapse, which is a temporary departure from a person's alcohol and other drug goals followed by a return to their original goals.

What does the big book say about relapse? ›

As it says in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, “Those who do not recover are people who cannot or will not completely give themselves to this simple program, usually men and women who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves”—and that's where relapse comes in.

Is relapse an event or a process? ›

Relapse is a process, it's not an event.

In order to understand relapse prevention you have to understand the stages of relapse. Relapse starts weeks or even months before the event of physical relapse. In this page you will learn how to use specific relapse prevention techniques for each stage of relapse.

What are the three levels of relapse? ›

Relapse is a gradual process that begins weeks and sometimes months before an individual picks up a drink or drug. There are three stages to relapse: emotional, mental, and physical. The common denominator of emotional relapse is poor self-care.

How many relapses are normal? ›

Unfortunately relapse rates for individuals who enter recovery from a drug or alcohol addiction are quite high. Studies reflect that about 40-60% of individuals relapse within 30 days of leaving an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center, and up to 85% relapse within the first year.

Am I fail if I relapse? ›

Relapse to alcohol or drug use does not mean that you have failed to achieve your goal of recovery. It is a setback that can be caused by various environmental and psychological factors. You can get yourself back on track for recovery. By persisting with treatment, it is possible to overcome your addiction.

How long should a relapse last? ›

People call relapses by different names including an attack, episode, flare up or an exacerbation. Relapses can last anywhere between a few days, up to weeks or even months. In between relapses are periods of remission where you may have no symptoms, or your symptoms are relatively stable.

What is the red flag for relapse? ›

Increasing symptoms of anxiety or depression.

Symptoms of emotional distress, such as mood swings, angry outbursts, depression, suicidal thoughts, or anxiety, often precede a relapse.

Do I have to tell my sponsor I relapsed? ›

If you're already in treatment

It's understandable if you don't want to let them down. But if you do tell them about your lapse or relapse, they will be glad you did. It will help them understand more about your situation, so they can work with you to make lapses or relapses less likely in future.

Is one glass of wine considered a relapse? ›

Is One Drink Considered A Relapse? Yes. If you have been diagnosed with the chronic condition called alcohol use disorder, also called alcoholism, then the answer is, “Yes, one drink counts as a relapse.”

What are the 5 determinants of relapse? ›

  • Stress. Stress is the top cause of relapse. ...
  • People or Places Connected to the Addictive Behavior. ...
  • Negative or Challenging Emotions. ...
  • Seeing or Sensing the Object of Your Addiction. ...
  • Times of Celebration.
Nov 28, 2020

Does one drink break sobriety? ›

Does one drink break sobriety? Sobriety is often defined as complete abstinence from alcohol or drugs. By this definition, a single drink or use of a drug is enough to break a streak of sobriety.

Is emotional sobriety in the big book? ›

The Big Book mentions emotional sobriety in Step Twelve as an outcome of practicing all steps of the program and applying them to our daily lives: “Here we begin to practice all Twelve Steps of the program in our daily lives so that we and those about us may find emotional sobriety.”

Is relapse a stage in stages of change? ›

Definition: The Relapse Stage is the sixth stage of change in the Transtheoretical Model and represents the time in a person's treatment where they have slipped back into old habits and returned to use. Relapse is said to happen when people lose sight of their recovery.

What are the 5 stages of recovery describe? ›

What Are the Five Stages of Change? The five stages of addiction recovery are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. Read on to find out more about the various stages.

What are the five stages of change? ›

The five stages of change are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Precontemplation is the stage at which there is no intention to change behavior in the foreseeable future. Many individuals in this stage are unaware or underaware of their problems.

In which stage of change is relapse prevention? ›

Maintenance - In this stage, people have sustained their behavior change for a while (defined as more than 6 months) and intend to maintain the behavior change going forward. People in this stage work to prevent relapse to earlier stages.


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