
In this video, we're going to discuss pressure sores, their causes, stages, and management. We'll also cover treatment options for pressure sores.

If you're suffering from pressure sores, then this video is for you! We'll discuss the causes, stages, and management of pressure sores, as well as treatment options. By the end of this video, you'll have a better understanding of pressure sores and be able to take steps to manage them effectively!

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Pressure, sores are localized injury to the skin and underlying tissue, and it usually occurs over bony areas and it's the result of prolonged unrelieved pressure.

There are certain risk factors that put you at risk of pressure sores.

So these include friction impaired, sensory perception, where you're unable to feel certain Sensations, especially pressure impaired physical Mobility, altered level of Consciousness, for example, if you're in a coma dehydration, elderly patients and chronic medical conditions like diabetes, so how do pressure solves occur so, whatever the risk factor? Is it results in pressure application over soft tissues in a bony area? This pressure will exceed the normal capillary pressure and what happens is we have occlusion and tearing of small blood vessels? We have reduced tissue perfusion.

Eventually this leads to ischemic necrosis, where the cells and tissues start to die, and then we have the formation of a pressure sore or a pressure ulcer.

The common sites of pressure sores include the elbows, the inner knees, the back of the head of the ears, the buttocks and the hip.

We can classify pressure ulcers in four different stages and it's always going to be based on the depth of the tissue destroyed so stage.

One involves the epidermal layer of the skin.

The skin is actually intact, but there is redness called an erythema in the area affected and this redness is non-blanchable.

So when you press it, it doesn't turn white.

It's usually occurring over bony prominence you'll, see discoloration of the skin edema and pain in the area.

It's important to recognize if the patient is a high risk patient, for example, if they're in a coma, if they're elderly, if they have reduced Mobility.

So at this stage it's a key thing to kind of keep an eye out, because you can notice the precious was starting to develop in stage one stage.

Two is called partial, thickness, an impartial thickness.

We have loss of the dermis, there's a shallow, open, ulcer and there's a pink wound which develops in stage two there's damage to the epidermis and the dermis and also starts to form, and it looks like a small blister or an abrasion lesion.

This is stage two partial thickness stage.

Three is when we have full thickness tissue loss.

You might be able to see some subcutaneous fat visible at this stage.

There isn't any bone or muscle or tendon involvement, but you do see subcutaneous fat stage.

3 involves the epidermis, the dermis and the subcutaneous tissues stage.


Is that the deepest form of the ulcer? It extends into the muscle, the tendon and the bone, and there is full thickness tissue loss.

The complications of pressure source is that it can result in sepsis, bone infections cellulitis and that's due to infiltration of bacteria into the open wound.

So how can you prevent pressure sores as soon as it's recognized that a person is at risk of developing pressure? Sores, it's important to relieve the direct pressure, and you can do this by changing positions, even if you're moving the patient around, if it's not yourself, that's being affected but make sure there's enough movement to kind of reduce the pressure in that particular area standing up or repositioning the patient regularly at least every two hours.

You can also get special pressure.

Relieving mattresses and cushions other tips include keeping the skin clean, moisturizing the skin thoroughly moisturizing your skin thoroughly eating a well-balanced diet having enough fluid per day at least two liters and informing your doctor.

If you've noticed any skin changes in certain areas.

So when ulcerations are present or these pressure sores are present, you can do certain things to help treat it.

There are special dressings which I use to protect pressure ulcers and it helps to speed up the healing process.

So these can be alginate, dressings, hydrocolloid, dressings or it could be a sort of foam dressing which can be applied as well.

Typical antiseptics are anti-microbial creams, aren't really recommended.

To be honest, the main and most important thing are barrier creams which protect the skin.

That's been damaged or irritated by the the high pressure.

Antibiotics could be used to treat an infected ulcer or if there is a serious infection like sepsis or bacterial infection of the tissues Under, the Skin like cellulitis.

In that case, antibiotics can be prescribed.

We've already mentioned eating a healthy and balanced diet is important, because that can help speed up the healing process and the final treatment we're going to talk about for pressure.

Ulcers is what we do with the the damaged tissue, so it can be removed in a process called the brideman, and this is sometimes necessary to remove the dead tissue, the necrotic tissue, to help it heal.

So you can remove the large amounts of dead tissues in a few ways.

You can use ultrasound surgical instruments like a scalpel and forceps or high pressure water jets.

Local anesthetic is usually used around the area to numb the areas, so the debridement is pain-free and the surgery is done to seal the wound.

To help speed up the healing and minimize the risk of infection.

Surgical treatment involves cleaning the wound, closing it by bringing the edges of it together, using tissue from healthy skin nearby to close the ulcer the problem with pressure ulcers, it can be challenging because the problem with pressure, ulcer surgery is it can be challenging because the people who have pressure ulcers developing are usually generally in a poorer state of health.

There are risks associated with the surgery and that can include necrosis of the implanted tissue that you you place in.

There is a risk of infection of the bone.

Abscesses could develop or even deep vein thrombosis.

So that's all we're going to discuss in today's video leave a 100 emoji if you've made it all the way to the end.

If you do have any questions, leave a comment below and make sure you like comment and subscribe.

Thank you for watching.



What are the 4 stages of pressure ulcers treatment? ›

Stage 1 ulcers have not yet broken through the skin. Stage 2 ulcers have a break in the top two layers of skin. Stage 3 ulcers affect the top two layers of skin, as well as fatty tissue. Stage 4 ulcers are deep wounds that may impact muscle, tendons, ligaments, and bone.

What are the 4 stages of bed sores? ›

These are:
  • Stage 1. The area looks red and feels warm to the touch. ...
  • Stage 2. The area looks more damaged and may have an open sore, scrape, or blister. ...
  • Stage 3. The area has a crater-like appearance due to damage below the skin's surface.
  • Stage 4. The area is severely damaged and a large wound is present.

What is the treatment and management of pressure sore? ›

Treatments for pressure ulcers (sores) include regularly changing your position, using special mattresses to reduce or relieve pressure, and dressings to help heal the ulcer. Surgery may sometimes be needed.

What causes pressure sores? ›

Pressure ulcers are caused by sustained pressure being placed on a particular part of the body. This pressure interrupts the blood supply to the affected area of skin. Blood contains oxygen and other nutrients that are needed to help keep tissue healthy.

What are treatments for Stage 2 pressure ulcers? ›

Stage II pressure sores should be cleaned with a salt water (saline) rinse to remove loose, dead tissue. Or, your provider may recommend a specific cleanser. Do not use hydrogen peroxide or iodine cleansers. They can damage the skin.

What is Stage 3 and 4 pressure ulcers? ›

Stage 3 pressure injuries extend through the skin into deeper tissue and fat but do not reach muscle, tendon, or bone. Stage 4 pressure injuries extend to muscle, tendon, or bone. Unstageable pressure injuries are when the stage is not clear.

How do you treat Stage 3 bedsore? ›

Treatment of stage 3 bedsores may include:
  1. Antibiotics to fight infection.
  2. A special bed or mattress to help with recovery.
  3. Debridement — the surgical removal of dead tissue.
  4. Taking pressure off of the bedsore.
Jul 13, 2022

How do you treat a Stage 1 pressure ulcer? ›

If you believe that you have a stage 1 pressure ulcer, you should remove all pressure from the area. Keep the area as dry and clean as possible to prevent bacterial infections. To speed up the healing process, you should eat adequate calories and have a diet high in minerals, proteins, and vitamins.

What is a Stage 4 bedsore settlement? ›

Stage 4 bedsores are more likely to settle because they indicate severe neglect. Several issues were likely disregarded, including the lack of state guidelines governing rotating patients and early patient care. Even invasive treatment can't reverse stage 4 bedsores. Stage 4 bedsore settlements may exceed $1 million.

What is the fastest way to get rid of bed sores? ›

Clean the wound: Gently wash very minor sores with water and mild soap. Clean open sores with a saline solution with each change of dressing. Apply dressings: These protect the wound and accelerate healing. Options that are antimicrobial or hydrocolloid, or that contain alginic acid, may be best.

Is Vaseline good for bed sores? ›

Wash around the edge of the sore first. Then use a new piece of clean cloth or gauze to wash from the center out to the edges. After cleaning, spread some ointment on a clean cloth or piece of gauze, and cover the sore lightly. You can use any mild ointment, such as antibiotic cream or petroleum jelly (Vaseline).

How do you treat a Stage 3 pressure ulcer? ›

Treatment of stage 3 bedsores may include:
  1. Antibiotics to fight infection.
  2. A special bed or mattress to help with recovery.
  3. Debridement — the surgical removal of dead tissue.
  4. Taking pressure off of the bedsore.
Jul 13, 2022

How do you heal a pressure ulcer fast? ›

Clean open sores with water or a saltwater (saline) solution each time the dressing is changed. Putting on a bandage. A bandage speeds healing by keeping the wound moist. It also creates a barrier against infection and keeps skin around it dry.

What do you clean a Stage 3 pressure ulcer with? ›

For stages 3 or 4 bedsores, you might see a wound specialist. Depending on the severity of the pressure ulcer, it may take weeks or months for the sore to heal. To treat a pressure injury, you or your healthcare provider may: Irrigate or clean the wound with soap and water or saline (sterile saltwater solution).

How do you manage Stage 3 pressure ulcers? ›

Treatment of Stage 3 and Stage 4 Pressure Ulcers
  1. Patient should be repositioned with consideration to the individual's level of activity, mobility and ability to independently reposition. ...
  2. Keep the skin clean and dry.
  3. Avoid massaging bony prominences.
  4. Provide adequate intake of protein and calories.


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